Half hull models
Half hull models decorate every room.
In former times these rooms were the offices of the shipwrights and shipowners, nowadays yachtowners and yachtclubs proudly present their fleet on a representative place. (i.e. the New York Yacht Club with its model-room).
Originally they were supposed to serve as technical tools for the shipbuilders during the time, when ships were build from wood. Their prime-time felt into the period of iron- and steel-ships. As there was no more need for them, they were cutted for the oven or got a grace in the planning offices of the shipyards.
Half hull models were also build for decoration purposes in early times. Best known are the dioramas from the sailing ship period, when sailors used their free time on board to produce presents for their relatives at home. Wooden boxes were “filled” with a maritime scenery, mostly a sailing ship decorated with rough sea, a lighthouse and coast in the background.
Boat- and yachtbuilders used half hulls to get a first impression of the three-dimensionality of their design. The presentation of the lines to find new customers will be in the foreground for exhibitors on maritime fairs.
The different purposes for half hulls allowe me to create a wide range of suitable designs from “extremely reduced” up to “very detailed”. Whatever is shown should be authentic. No phantastic forms, colours or scales – and the true core consists of wood.
Enjoy the gallery of my half hulls from the last 30 years and find ideas for your own design.